While the attention given to Rush Limbaugh's national advertisers have had incredible results, let us not forget that the stations that carry his program also sell ad time. Locally, Limbaugh is carried on WPGB, 104.7 FM. This is a Clear Channel station, and as Clear Channel, Limbaugh, and Premiere Radio are all interconnected, its unlikely we can get WPGB to drop Rush, but we can hit them in their wallet. I forced myself to listen to all three hours of Limbaugh today, just to find out who's advertising on the show. I think my IQ dropped 25 points an hour listening to that drivel for three hours. Now, I'm pretty sure I missed some spots, many of them are rather brief, but I think I got most of them. Here's the list of advertisers from 12 noon through 3 pm:
Matthews Wall Anchor Service: This seemed to be the most frequent local advertiser, running numerous spots throughout the show.
Stock Market Recovery Consultants
Disc Institute of Pittsburgh (another frequent buyer)
Cordell and Cordell, divorce attorneys for men
This list is not all inclusive, I'm pretty sure I missed a few. Nationally, Limbaugh only has a handful of clients left, so for the chains with national reach, its a pretty good bet that these are local or regional buys.
Why not let them know what you think of them advertising on WPGB in general (all hate, all the time) and on Limbaugh's program specifically? Let them know you will not patronize their businesses until they stop sponsoring hateful rhetoric, let them know how their buying time on Limbaugh's show hurts their brand image. Ask them if they want to be associated with a figure who demands that women videotape themselves having sex and then post those videos online for his prurient enjoyment.
Some will ignore us, but I bet we can get enough of them to drop their sponsorship to hurt!