Under the house plan, the State Stores would be phased out, and 1,200 new liquor licenses will be offered, with beer distributors getting the first crack at them. Grocery stores will be allowed to sell wine, but not beer, except in those locations that have a separate cafe section, thereby preserving the beer distributors. Apparently, Harrisburg is more concerned with saving the jobs of beer distributors, but not the jobs of State Store employees.
Doesn't Harrisburg understand that the beer distributors are part of the problem??? I don't want to make a separate trip to the beer distributor, or have to buy beer by the case.
All I want to do is be able to buy beer and wine at the grocery store, without having to stand in a separate line.
Putting State Stores in the grocery was a nice first step, as was allowing stores with a separate cafe to sell six packs and single bottles, and while that's more convenient, its not convenient enough.
What Harrisburg should do is allow groceries to sell beer and wine directly, while as a compromise to State Store employees, reserve the sale of spirits to the state. While there is an argument to be made that the state shouldn't be in the business of selling liquor at all, I think my suggestion is a good first step.