Nice to see someone telling the legislature to shove it.
Montgomery County will not deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples, the county's recorder of wills said Tuesday.
"I decided to come down on the right side of history and the law," Recorder of Wills D. Bruce Hanes said, in explaining his stand.
Gotta love some of the wingnutty comments!
The USA is just turning gay...and the have fun at the Adult book Stores...
I'll never be satisfied until I can marry my dog. She is so good!
Coming soon to a TV near you - a commercial for Cialis with two men in bathtubs....
This whole movement is perversive in nature. It is homosexuality attacking a heterosexual institution established in ancient times. Some including myself believe it to be established and endorsed by GOD in creation. What better way to attack traditional marriage and religion than to propel homesexual unions at this ancient sacrament. But you can't change the defintion. Since it was founded by GOD then GOD defines it as between a man and woman. Any attempt to refine it would be futile. It will never be marriage simple as that.
This is clearly against State Law. This guy is a nobody trying to make a name for himself with his friends in the Gayborhood. Sorry buddy, ain't no gayborhood in Montco!
Mark 10:5-7, "And Jesus answered and said to them, For the hardness of your heart He wrote you this precept. But from the begining of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause a mann shall leave his Father and Mother and join to his wife." Sorry guys, gay is still gay and still a fruitless aberration in human behavior.
Will this guy marry me and my beautiful Labrador Retriever?
Messing with Mother Nature. Yuck. Sausage smugglers.
Messing with Mother Nature. It's a sickness. Rump Wranglers.
What is it with the fascination with beastiality? It makes me think that some of these people really DO want to marry their dogs!