So what's the right-wing noise machine pushing today? Its a report that illegal immigrants have a recidivisim rate of "nearly 20%" according to Faux news. Thats based on a rate of roughly one in six over a three year period, or under 17%, which is closer t0 15% than it is to 20%, but whats a little number fudging in the interest of whipping up a frenzy?
But in order to be relevent, we have to look at what the recidivism rate is for the population as a whole. So what's that number? Well, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a 15 state survey conducted in 1994 found that over a three year period, the recidivism rate for all convicts was over 67%. A 1983 study showed an estimated rate of over 62%.
Now, I do not particularly like using stats that are decades old (the BJS is working on a new study using 2005 as a base year), but that's what I have to work with, so take it with a healthy dose of sketpicism, but it sure looks like the three year recidivism rate of illegal immigrants is substantially lower than the rate for the population as a whole. ( I did find a Philadelphia Daily News story from last year that put Pennsylvania's recidivism rate at 55% over five years) The BJS site also cites a single year recidivism rate for 2007 of "about 16%" which would make the three year rate for illegal immigrants the same as a single year rate for the population as a whole.
So why would the three year recidivism rate for illegal immigrants be so much lower? I do not know, but I'd speculate that vast numbers of illegal aliens who are convicted of crimes are deported upon release from custody. We now come to another problem with Faux's "reporting." Here's the first paragraph in the report:
Roughly one in six illegal immigrants is re-arrested on criminal charges within three years of release, according to new government data being released Tuesday.
And a bit further down, we find this:
The information was analyzed by the CRS, which also broke down the information for criminal immigrants -- legal immigrants who committed crimes and were arrested again over the three-year period. Together, the two groups also had a roughly one-in-six recidivism rate.
So the "roughly one in six" is similar to rate for legal immigrants, and using the 2007 single year number, the rate for all offenders! The headline and reporting are slanted in such a way as to leave the impression that recidivism among undocumented aliens is a huge problem, even though there is no statistical difference in recidivism among illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, or citizens, and if the three year numbers hold up in future studies, the rates for immigrants, illegal or otherwise, appear to be much, much lower. But why let the facts get in the way of a little fear mongering?